The man bumps into another soul survivor on his way to the last exit. The man screams for help as he has lost his arm and is bleeding allot as he leans against the wall.
The men help each other and think Jason is dead and start to cry with joy after being the only two left alive. As they make there slow exit towards the door they see a shadow and an outline of a tall figure waiting with an unmoving posture about him.
The man who is extremely hurt starts to cry and panic he knows Jason isn't dead as the other man try's to assure him he seen him die.
The shadow still has not moved and the two men walk closer and closer as they get within a seeing range the lights blow out and it goes completely dark.....Everything goes quite and no one dares to move.
Then suddenly one off the men makes a run for the door as the other man stands still he listens very intently and hears the door opening. Suddenly the lights outside switch on the figure is gone and the man is laying with no head on the steps and on the wall in blood is written "YOUR TURN" the man gets angry at what has happened and also makes a run for the door. He runs out the door unchallenged and keeps running I have made it he screams..... Then he feels a sharp pain in his leg and tumbles to the ground in agony. he turns to see a big blade stuck in his leg then the tall figure appears it's Jason again the man crawls as he is not going to give up but Jason is just playing with him Jason raises his arm and the last thing the man see's is a blade then darkness he escaped but not with his life.
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